What are Avascular Necrosis (AVN) and Treatment Methods?

By: Prof. Dr Fahri Erdoğan
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a disease that develops over time in the head of the upper leg bone called the femur. The disease, which starts with mild inguinal pain, causes severe pain over time, and the walking stage awaits the patient in the progressive stage. The event that triggers avascular necrosis, which negatively affects the quality of life, is the deterioration in the blood supply of the femoral head.
What are the causes of avascular necrosis?
The most common cause of avascular necrosis is localized pulses, etc. They are traumatized. In addition, prolonged use of cortisone, gout and excessive alcohol consumption, and various hip surgeries can also cause illness. The use of cortisone is an extremely important factor with a figure of 30% among the causes of the disease. In some cases, the cause of the disease cannot be fully identified.
Avascular Necrosis Treatment Methods
In the early diagnosis of the disease, besides weight restriction, conservative treatment methods can be tried with vasodilator, anticoagulant and lipid lowering agents. However, conservative treatment methods cannot be said to be fully effective in the healing of this disease. Especially in advanced stage, surgical treatment methods such as core decompression, vascularized and non-vascularized fibula grafts and arthroplasty may be required.